Friday, March 04, 2005

Old man Rather

So check out these paragraphs from this article:
Rather said that to his mind, two of the panel's most important conclusions were
that it could not demonstrate that political bias played a part in the stories
or conclusively account for the origins of the documents in question.

Yeah, sure, there was NO poitical bias in the least bit. Do I need to remind you people that I don't mind being call a dumb*** directly, but this crap really ticks me off.
"Although they had four months and millions of dollars, they could not demonstrate that the documents were not authentic, that they were forgeries," Rather said.

Hmm... I'm guessing Charles didn't have $20 into it and spent less than a day figuring this crap out.

Let me give any old men out there who might think we'll fall for this kind of crap a little advice: I don't care how old you are. Jerry's Uncle Leo tried the "I'm old. I didn't know. I thought I'd paid for it" routine and it didn't work - it ain't going to work with us, either, OLD MAN!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Alive and WELL, thank you

So, if you didn't know, God's not dead. If you've been having trouble with the issue you should really consider exploring the universe around you. Atheism and it's natural religious counterpart, Naturalism, is rapidly dying because science (yeah, that's right, SCIENCE) isn't backing it up.

I am still looking for the probability in writing (I know I saw it from Hawkings or another naturalist) but the latest number (and it could be changing daily - that means growing) is somewhere around 1:10360. That is this:


Talk to a mathematician - they'll tell you they stop talking about probability at 1:1050.

Hey, if you want to continue with this fatalistic world view that's between you and your Maker, Bro'. But that's not what scares me.

What scares me (and not for me, but for those who would fall prey) is this statement:

Observing a similar phenomenon in the United States, McDermott stated that the "rise of all sorts of paganism is creating a false spirituality that proves to be a more dangerous rival to the Christian faith than atheism."

That's gonna be a lot of people separated from their Creator for eternity. I'd reconsider, folks.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hey China!

We only MONOPOLIZE the internet because we don't restrict it, dumb***es! Yeah, I know you want to restrict EVERYTHING, but you can take your gosh dang ideas and shove the up your... oh nevermind, just read the following diplomatic message from the President: