Friday, September 17, 2004
"In a strictly hypothetical situation, If I were to be stranded on a deserted island and could only take 3 things from this life with me those 3 items would be (in no particular order): The Instafamily, a blender and EiP. What if I had to choose between the Instafamily and Eip? Let's just hope there never comes a time."
-- Glenn Reynolds

"Pajama Been Bloggin'", Head of the Pajamahadeen

The Movie: FahrenHype 9/11
***BUY IT!***
Infidel Cowboy
Dean's World
Indepundit (LT Smash)
Froggy Ruminations

Blogroll Me, Infidel!

Michael Moore Hates America
American Film Renaissance
Liberty Film Festival
C.S. Lewis Institute
Seattle Football Club Fans
-- Glenn Reynolds

Investor Relations

Email the Editor
pajamahadeen - at -

Origins of the Pajamahadeen
How the Pajamahadeen got its name"Pajama Been Bloggin'", Head of the Pajamahadeen
(Regarding the Donation Button)TfT Brigade

The Movie: FahrenHype 9/11
***BUY IT!***
Infidel Cowboy
Dean's World
Indepundit (LT Smash)
Spotlight on Freedom Fighters
This week's focus...Froggy Ruminations
Defeat the Mullahs

Artist(s) of The Week

Featured Film of The Week

Precious Memories from the Past
- Oh boy, oh good - it's Wizbang's Weekend Caption c...
- Pojama, Pajama - what's the difference?
- Medals, ribbons, forged military documents - what'...
- All the Rage on the Blogosphere
- A reminder for Blogspot bloggers re: Trackback
- Could I be seeing that right?
- Who's the hottie in the uniform?
- NEW FEATURE... Featured Film of the Week: Jengis...
- Head of the Pajamahadeen to release a statement soon
- Michelle for Blog Mom! (play on her Security Moms)
Disclosed Sources

Blogroll Me, Infidel!

Arts & Entertainment, Section B
Narnia, coming to a theater near youMichael Moore Hates America
American Film Renaissance
Liberty Film Festival
Religion, Section C
Phillip R. Johnson likes Spurgeon (WWW's largest Spurgeon Archive)C.S. Lewis Institute
Sports, Section D
Le Tour de (expletive delete)Seattle Football Club Fans
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